Zip2, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Nope. Too much hassle for the once a decade that I need a printer.

shyguyblue, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

When I beat Grim Fandango.

It was bitter-sweet, because you ::: spoiler have to leave one of your companions behind, him being a spirit of the land; while you ride off to the land of eternal rest with your new love interest spoiler :::

Akasazh, avatar

That was indeed an epic game to finish

KillerTofu, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Killing Malenia. Finally.

Imgonnatrythis, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Should use Craigslist or something bro. But how much are you asking out of curiosity?

pr06lefs, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

why do I want to carry a printer with me? no. this sounds more like a point-of-sale device.

OrionTheElder, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Playing Halo co-op with my wife.

vk6flab, to technology in when can we expect level 4 self driving to be commercialized? is it near (1-2 years away)? avatar

Depends on who you ask:

Usernameblankface, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it? avatar


But I would immediately buy a new laptop with a track ball and mouse buttons like this one

(Screenshot to follow in an edit)


Nice! That seems like it would rival the TrackPoint for me.

not_that_guy05, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Rank, taking out 2 full teams while my dead teammates watched and cheered. With health that even a sneezed would kill me.

My hands were shaking and my heart rate high AF, fucking diamond Apex.

slazer2au, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Far cry 2 team Deathmatch first team to 100 kills win on clearcut.

I got 55 of the required kills and was banned from using the 50cal sniper on all future games.


Far Cry 2 brought me joy experiencing the open world format. I fell in love with the desert at night there and now I try to visit real life arid regions at night.

DrBob, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Absolutely not. I loathe gestures my touchpad and disable everything I can.

cygnus, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it? avatar

No, but can you make one with spacebar heating?

n2burns, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

That sounds awful. We already have trackpoint to use a mouse in a compact device.

The printer would add so much bulk that it would no longer be a compact laptop anymore. I know you personally want one (from your recent post), but just carry a separate device or velcro it to the back of the laptop.

Whateley, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Okami. That game was an absolute joy to play and the visuals and music were beautiful. My wife even mentioned that I seemed calmer and relaxed while playing it.

HubertManne, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?


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