Usernameblankface, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it? avatar


But I would immediately buy a new laptop with a track ball and mouse buttons like this one

(Screenshot to follow in an edit)


Nice! That seems like it would rival the TrackPoint for me.

vk6flab, to technology in when can we expect level 4 self driving to be commercialized? is it near (1-2 years away)? avatar

Depends on who you ask:

OrionTheElder, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Playing Halo co-op with my wife.

pr06lefs, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

why do I want to carry a printer with me? no. this sounds more like a point-of-sale device.

Imgonnatrythis, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Should use Craigslist or something bro. But how much are you asking out of curiosity?

KillerTofu, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Killing Malenia. Finally.

shyguyblue, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

When I beat Grim Fandango.

It was bitter-sweet, because you ::: spoiler have to leave one of your companions behind, him being a spirit of the land; while you ride off to the land of eternal rest with your new love interest spoiler :::

Akasazh, avatar

That was indeed an epic game to finish

Zip2, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Nope. Too much hassle for the once a decade that I need a printer.

Omgboom, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

I once stole 20 billion Isk from a guy in Eve Online. I was hard for days.

donuts, to technology in would you buy a compact laptop that has spacebar touch sensitivity and allows you to adjust input sensitivity, giving it dual purpose (a spacebar and a mouse)+ it has integrated A5 printer in it?

Depending on the specs, that sounds like it could be fun. Like a quirky street performance thing for artists to draw, print & sell art all at once?

Diddlydee, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

There are too many. Completing Lode Runner on my C64. The first time I played Sonic on my megadrive. Playing Ninja Gaiden on my game gear for hours with my little bro. Playing Echochrome on the PS3 on LSD. When the nuke exploded in Modern Warfare 2. Playing through Inside in one go in the dark by myself.

Rhynoplaz, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Staying up all night playing GoldenEye.

henfredemars, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

24 hour Civ 5 marathon with beer and the boys in my college days.

Olap, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Finishing Mass Effect 3. Multiple times :)

Smashing and being smashed with my mates at worms with couch-coop

Multiplayer halo 2 across the LAN in my house

LAN party instagib ctf 1 hour 0-0 and winning it in overtime

Rocking a battlefield 2/3/4 server online with a squad of mates all using voice comms, and nobody playing a sniper

I love gaming

LambdaRX, to games in What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Riding a snake in Getting Over It With Benett Foddy.

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