Valve just needs a way to ensure you are over the age of 18, and I know a way they can do that WITHOUT collecting IDs. They need to incorporate an age quiz like leisure suit Larry.
As an old person who only kinda knew that lootboxes exist, this series was a huge eye opener to the insane amount of money and industry that has emerged around them. 10/10 would recommend to my fellow olds.
Now to head back to Bioshock where the only cost to looting boxes is that I might get attacked by a splicer.
The article was incredibly light on specifics. What were the hateful / threatening messages? Why would anyone have a problem with helping developers find new jobs? Why were those developers fired in the first place?
Please stop putting RGB on everything? Can we return to the cool colored plastics for a bit and see what modern technology can do? I bet you could do some wild shit with modern plastics.
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