TIL GameCube's d-pad was added at the last moment
Could this explain the horrible d-pad in the NGC?
Could this explain the horrible d-pad in the NGC?
Cruxifux, But without it how would I have tainted my opponents after I cheese them off the edge in smash bros?
imPastaSyndrome, tainted
Cruxifux, Hahaha great autocorrect, not changing it.
Chozo, I think "last moment" is a bit of a stretch. It may have been weeks before the Space World reveal, but the Space World event was a full year before the console released.
lIlIllIlIIIllIlIlII, Yes, you are right.
DmMacniel, And good that they changed it at the last moment. Sure the D-PAD is super stiff but can you imagine games like Metroid Prime without it?
DannyBoy, Could put a layer on the C stick like Metroid Prime remastered to have one input handle both visors and beams.
lIlIllIlIIIllIlIlII, I can imagine external developers asking Nintendo for a d-pad.
bjoern_tantau, Of course it is very important to have the start button in an easy to reach location.
lIlIllIlIIIllIlIlII, I would say that initially they located it there to get some symmetry because aesthetic reasons.
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