X/Twitter is a misinformation platform. If you know a major influencer that uses, consider informing and directing them to the ActivityPub alternatives, even advertising on their platforms if you can.
Um, Elon Musk is a... brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. He is insuring the financial security of this company for years to come. Oh yes, and his personal hygiene is above reproach.
Also spend at least two hours with each of his kids each day. Of course that add up to 24+ hours a day but that just shows you how amazing he is. He still finds time to be CEO of two companies, be involved in five others, and now help run the US government. It is amazing what you can do if you have 60+ hours everyday.
i find it incredible that despite having access to basically unlimited information about its users, facebook makes stupid decisions that seem almost designed to piss off its users. and then you have situations like this, where facebook was told ahead of time that this decision would make a lot of people angry, and then facebook went and did it anyway only to walk it back a few days later and say it was a mistake. why?
Remember when Google Glass generated backlash?
Now we have those AI pins that have a camera and mic, multiple smart glasses with HUDs and cameras, Smart Home devices that record constantly).
Try it -> Backlash -> Walk it back
Try again 5 months later -> No backlash -> Continue
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