Not sure which is the dumbest, Jaguar letting go of its signature mark or HBO renaming themselves to just Max but would be funny if Apple abandoned the Max naming for Ultra.
Microsoft is a pathetic little husk of a company, what a corny and predatory practice that not even google cares to do if you search other search engines.
Fuckin LLM bubble needs to burst already. I want some crazy compute cards to play with.
Also, who knew the only people who would pay 2400/yr for access would bebe the ones who plan to make hundreds of queries per day. What do like, people try to think about value for money before they buy stuff?! What are you all, NOT a filthy rich?!
I always found the build quality for Lenovo Thinkpads to be better than any of the top tier Dell laptops. Most of the laptops I had in circulation were Dells and the always gave me problems. The Thinkpads just worked.
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