Tikiporch, You would need to remove the profit motive.
vane, It was called newspaper back in the day. Printing something was expensive so quality must have been good, that people were willing to read it. And social part was provided by posting letter to the newspaper adress with a hope to be printed.
taladar, As someone who has lived through some of the time with newspapers and without social media, no, quality was pretty bad back then too.
gianni, Yes, check out tildes.net.
atrielienz, I requested an invite and literally never heard back so. No.
mesamunefire, Some fedi services have blocklists that look for keywords to auto-block from your feed. Its pretty neat! Might be something to consider.
SaltySalamander, Define quality.
Nomecks, The Somethingawful forums did exactly this with a $9.95 one time membership fee.
Reverendender, How did it work out?
Nomecks, They ran for years with minimal shit content and trolls.
PonyOfWar, Sure. But will it be profitable and will enough people want to use it? I think most likely the answer is no.
romamix, Professional communities with invite-only registration, where invites are only distributed to people with high ratings. Also you can add higher barriers, like a requirement to write a valuable on-topic to get rating above a certain level, regardless of the comment rating level. Basically a self-moderated narrowly focused community with invite only registration.
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