realitista, I wonder what this means for 50 Cent?
Bronzebeard, They gonna force a sale of League of Legends now?
sugar_in_your_tea, Do Fortnite next.
punseye, Lol pretty much every American company should be added to a similar list given how deep they are in the pockets of CIA, etc
Freefall, We have a puppet coming into the presidency. China will have all the inroads to our government they care to pay for. Tencent and Co. will be a non-issue.
surph_ninja, As opposed to all of our previous presidents, who refused to be bought by corporate corruption? LoL.
sharkfucker420, Aint we got tea companies that make war machines here?
einkorn, Such as?
metaStatic, Why is the list not just every Chinese company? do they not know how state capitalism works?
CMDR_Horn, They do not.
WhatAmLemmy, Yeah they do. Fascism is state capitalism. They plan to replicate China.
WaterSword, Does this mean league of legends is a weapon
Gloria, Weapon of Mass Distraction.
WaterSword, Psychological Warfare for sure
CaptKoala, A weapon against sanity, yes.
RagnarokOnline, Chemical weapon, maybe.
Wooki, Weapon of mass-debation
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