potentiallynotfelix, Literally the dead internet theory
Eggyhead, Imagine training an AI of yourself and gifting it to your grandma to hang on her fridge.
thisbenzingring, Even more reason for staying as far away from anything meta/fakebook
will_a113, It makes me think of Fahrenheit 451 where everyday people would sometimes become bit actors in these long form tv/hologram shows and describe the other actors as their friends and family, even though they never actually interacted beyond the scripted bits.
Nougat, Dead Internet Theory on purpose.
j4yt33, Headline sounds as if they want to replace all the users with AI
TomMasz, Eventually, it will be all AI-generated users, selling AI-generated products to each other and Zuck will no longer have to pretend to be human.
jaybone, Why would anybody want this?
dinckelman, The mental gymnastics they had to fucking do there. Absolutely insane
Sanctus, So its social media without the social part?
WhyJiffie, maybe the most raw form of corporate media
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