MITM0, 9 days ago to technology in Are PC Hardware Companies Slowly Driving Technology into Restricted Closed Ecosystems? Yes, Yes, Yes & Yes
Yes, Yes, Yes & Yes
Endymion_Mallorn, 9 days ago to technology in Are PC Hardware Companies Slowly Driving Technology into Restricted Closed Ecosystems? No, not slowly. They've been accelerating toward this.
No, not slowly. They've been accelerating toward this.
GasMaskedLunatic, 9 days ago to technology in Are PC Hardware Companies Slowly Driving Technology into Restricted Closed Ecosystems? Slowly? No.
Slowly? No.
Meltrax, 9 days ago to technology in Are PC Hardware Companies Slowly Driving Technology into Restricted Closed Ecosystems? Why is this entire Lemmy community just weird leading-title BS articles about nothing?
Why is this entire Lemmy community just weird leading-title BS articles about nothing?