Korkki, 8 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series But then who on this planet was expecting that.
But then who on this planet was expecting that.
kratoz29, 8 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series TIL that exists.
TIL that exists.
CoffeeWire, 7 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series Have they tried threatening the console with nukes?
Have they tried threatening the console with nukes?
realitista, 8 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series I wish them good luck! https://media2.giphy.com/media/10JhviFuU2gWD6/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91vknm42anfxd8w6bb7bwpr9fmhhydleepm5392xbw&ep=v1_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
I wish them good luck!
ButtonMcLemming, 6 days ago Is that guy really crying?
Is that guy really crying?
john89, 6 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series Why would they bother focusing on consoles at all? They would be way more successful investing in game developers.
Why would they bother focusing on consoles at all?
They would be way more successful investing in game developers.
Konstant, 6 days ago How would they sell their games to other countries?
How would they sell their games to other countries?
massive_bereavement, 7 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series They have some great game developers that could oh, wait they died at the front, nevermind. I'm sure uncle Yuri can use his previous experience developing accounting programs in an old scorpion back in the 80s.
They have some great game developers that could oh, wait they died at the front, nevermind.
I'm sure uncle Yuri can use his previous experience developing accounting programs in an old scorpion back in the 80s.
Aatube, 8 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series cool?
chemicalwonka, 8 days ago to technology in Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series waiting for this release
waiting for this release