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Pickle_Jr, in Dat? Cog?

If this were any other dog, I would believe this post full-stop.

But this is a husky model. There is about a 20% chance that this dog loaf just came out of the factory like that

lazylion_ca, in "Bonjour"

What airline is this that has so much foot room?


Economy plus about 15 years ago when they first introduced it. It was nice for a little while.

quixotic120, in "Bonjour"

Is this a perspective trick? What plane has that much space


That dog looks bigger than what commercial airlines allow you to bring in the cabin.

This is most likely a semi-private jet, a popular option for dog owners to bring their dog to vacation

assassinatedbyCIA, in About the same level of trainability

When your neighbour operant conditions your pets and your kid.

IDKWhatUsernametoPutHereLolol, in Dat? Cog?

Loaf Dogs lol

homesweethomeMrL, in "Bonjour"

You, ah . . . you gonna eat all that?

TehBamski, in "Bonjour" avatar

Haha. Cute doggo.

Anissem, in Christmas cutie avatar
bleistift2, in Ever wonder about the shape of pretzels?

According to German legend, a prisoner was promised freedom if he could make a bakery-thing (sorry, not my first language) through which the sun will shine three times.

Rolder, in A sweet reminder

I love how her eyebrows make her seemed very concerned

qyron, in Hate the tomate

Those are cherries!

gofsckyourself, in Hate the tomate

More pixels (slightly), but more color.

CareHare, in Hate the tomate

Denethor approves


So does Integza

Zachariah, in Ever wonder about the shape of pretzels?

Are pretzels pug crucifixes?

humorlessrepost, in Ever wonder about the shape of pretzels?

I will always upvote 790

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