I do like that it exists, but the change from 16:10 to 16:9 is a hard no for me. Probably the only off the shelf option for a screen to mash into the device though. Plus, the cost of it is nearly half the cost of just getting a refurb OLED deck, can sell the LCD one and get a new one for roughly the same overall cost as upgrading without all the downsides.
It was bitter-sweet, because you ::: spoiler have to leave one of your companions behind, him being a spirit of the land; while you ride off to the land of eternal rest with your new love interest spoiler :::
Currently playing Witcher 3 GOTY, prenextgen version, still looks amazing, performance is great, story is great, 70 hours in and counting, did not even touch DLCs yet. Enjoying it.
In before HL 1 & 2 remaster disappointments. Or just absolutely nothing happening, just like all the previous copium rumors. I think I stopped caring back with the recorded soundtrack rumors, which already feel like an eternity ago at this point.
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