ogmios, Remember to hit the gym and lawyer up next.
hogmomma, No, you hit the LAWYER and gym up.
mexicanmamba, Deleted everything Meta related in 2022. I have no regrets. Zuck can Suck it
muntedcrocodile, Tldr: u cant
lnxtx, In the UE we have the GDPR.
muntedcrocodile, I often vpn into Europe to make gdpr request lol.
MonkderVierte, Is this @technology?
MyOpinion, Do it! Delete it.
WilderSeek, Pffft! This is soooo 2015.
RampantParanoia2365, Become a master hacker who can access their servers?
no_ragrets, accountkiller.com
kibiz0r, Oh hey, good reminder. The one upside to the fact that my FB account continually revived itself while I was using my Quest 2 is that now I can delete my account (for the last time, I hope) as part of a widespread protest instead of a one-off annoyance.
tacosanonymous, Is the process different from it was in 2015?
jaybone, Now you must sacrifice your first born.
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