
"SPINACH": LLM-based tool to translate "challenging real-world questions" into Wikidata SPARQL queries (

More generally, this kind of task is called "Knowledge Base Question Answering" (KBQA). The authors observe that many benchmarks have been published for it over the last decade, and that recently, the KBQA community has shifted toward using Wikidata as the underlying knowledge base for KBQA datasets. However, they criticize...

Retrotink 4k CE Announced and Mini Restock (

The CE is a lower power version of what is now called the 4k Pro. It is priced at $475, which puts it more in direct competition with the morph paired with a analogue bridge (I think that bundle would be $350ish). RetroRGB has a nice break down of the differences (link in the article).

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