
Staying up all night playing GoldenEye.


24 hour Civ 5 marathon with beer and the boys in my college days.


Playing Halo co-op with my wife.

@Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

Wandering around in Morrowind before I really knew what I was doing, being happy just to find a few coins in a tree stump or a crappy dagger.

Other games have given more extreme emotions. But no other game has instilled such a joyous sense of wonder.


the ending of outer wilds, figuring out that the treasure really was the friends we made along the way, will always stand out to me as the most magnificent, joy-filled moment in my 25+ year gaming experience.

that, or getting the cool sunglasses in fez.


Outer Wilds is the correct answer. I wish I could unlearn that memory and play it again from scratch.

@catalyst@lemmy.world avatar

Getting to the top of the mountain in Celeste. It may not be the hardest challenge in the game (screw you Farewell), but just arriving there with the soundtrack swelling felt so good.

Completing the golden path in Tunic.

Any number of silly things in FFXI that at the time probably felt immensely important.


Red Dead Redemption, when crossing into Mexico for the first time and the sun starts setting and Far Away by Jose Gonzalez starts playing. That shit blew my mind.


Dialing in to a local BBS to play 4-player deathmatch DooM 2, circa 1995.


I once stole 20 billion Isk from a guy in Eve Online. I was hard for days.


Finishing Mass Effect 3. Multiple times :)

Smashing and being smashed with my mates at worms with couch-coop

Multiplayer halo 2 across the LAN in my house

LAN party instagib ctf 1 hour 0-0 and winning it in overtime

Rocking a battlefield 2/3/4 server online with a squad of mates all using voice comms, and nobody playing a sniper

I love gaming


Life is Strange, with the final decision of Bae vs Bay. It made me quit the game for two days before I came back and decided (Bae forever). I love a good, story-impactful decision. That might be weird in this context, but it was so great, and that enjoyment came entirely from the game.


Far cry 2 team Deathmatch first team to 100 kills win on clearcut.

I got 55 of the required kills and was banned from using the 50cal sniper on all future games.


Far Cry 2 brought me joy experiencing the open world format. I fell in love with the desert at night there and now I try to visit real life arid regions at night.

@JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world avatar

The Second Dream quest from Warframe

@JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world avatar

Staying up till 3am playing Terraria w/ friends


Played 200 hours just to get to the character creation screen


Most recent one I can rememver was beating Tears of The Kingdom. I was SO invested in the final boss battle and I got really emotional. I was so immersed I was basically vocally taunting the boss for everything they had done. Only other time that happened was with Cyberpunk 2077 and only because of Edgerunners.

Then in the past (jesus has it really been more than 17 years??) the first time my buddy and I beat Halo 1 on Legendary after an all-nighter of gaming. That was awesome. Horrible smell in that room tho lmao.


Red dead redemption 2 really made me feel thankful for experiencing the story. It was a different kind of joy but it was very sad too.

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