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cmnybo, in AI language model runs on a Windows 98 system with Pentium II and 128MB RAM

Let me know when someone gets an LLM to run on a Bendix G15. This Pentium stuff is way too new.

HarbingerOfTomb, in Hey Reddit lurkers! my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is on Android now

Looking for a Chromeless way to import subs from Android


use any other browser? you just have to login once.


The script method provided for Chrome does not work in Firefox.

asteriskeverything, in AI language model runs on a Windows 98 system with Pentium II and 128MB RAM


Endymion_Mallorn, in Are PC Hardware Companies Slowly Driving Technology into Restricted Closed Ecosystems? avatar

No, not slowly. They've been accelerating toward this.

AbsolutelyNotAVelociraptor, in Right-Wing Figures Allege Censorship on X Amid Visa Controversy

And the face banquet starts.

SoupBrick, in Right-Wing Figures Allege Censorship on X Amid Visa Controversy

Brb, grabbing my popcorn.

Live_Let_Live, in AI Agents Will Be Manipulation Engines

do we have any protection on this site against agents?

dustyData, in Right-Wing Figures Allege Censorship on X Amid Visa Controversy

Remember kids, oligarchs are not your friends.

tht, in Peer-to-peer serverless decentralized social media protocol built on The IPFS

Maybe leave a link



FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Neat but it loads really slow and there doesn't seem to be much content beyond bitcoin stuff so far

FartsWithAnAccent, (edited ) avatar

Must've just been luck of the draw I guess, most of the posts seemed crypto related last time I looked

Plebbitor, in Peer-to-peer serverless decentralized social media protocol built on The IPFS
notsure, in Right-Wing Figures Allege Censorship on X Amid Visa Controversy avatar

didn't right-wing figures allege censhorship on Twitter and that's why elmo bought it?

sic_semper_tyrannis, in Right-Wing Figures Allege Censorship on X Amid Visa Controversy

Twitter/X has never been censorship free

Valmond, in Peer-to-peer serverless decentralized social media protocol built on The IPFS

If it is selfhosted, and text only, why use IPFS?


Because this way it has no central server, database, HTTP endpoint or DNS - it is pure peer to peer. Unlike federated instances, which are regular websites that can get deplatformed at any time, plebbit full nodes are customized IPFS Kubo nodes, and running one is as simple as downloading the Seedit client desktop app (available on github) and keeping it open. It runs the node automatically, and seeds content automatically as you browse it. It runs on a raspberry pi, so we expect to see a lot of plebbit users running their own full node.

einlander, in Peer-to-peer serverless decentralized social media protocol built on The IPFS

Text only?

Wait till people start making browser plugins for base64 images.

mvirts, in Peer-to-peer serverless decentralized social media protocol built on The IPFS

Lol to the cookie notice on

Sounds interesting

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