To be fair, given its legacy now as one of the worst one-on-one fighting games in the history of the universe, Rise of the Robots probably wishes it was One Must Fall.
Just looked: regardless of your personal opinion the comment is a breach of the terms of posting. It essentially said Musk should permanently retire himself from life.
Auto connected to a mandatory ID state and a porn site demanded I take a picture of my id.
(Edit: I have it set to auto connect to fastest on start. I can change location and have 100 free servers to chose in the US. More in Japan and Netherlands. ProtonVPN)
As far as internet content goes, hate is winning. All the major social media platforms have been overrun by sexist, racist, LGBTQphobic commentary. And these platforms will simply follow the money, pushing hate content via algorithms as good people leave the platforms.
This, remember that every single pride sponsorship and rainbow coloured logo was approved by a marketing department after extensive market research deeming it to be profitable
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