Imagine how much better it would run on a similar era version of redhat, gentoo, or beos.
They just proved that the hardware was perfectly capable, in the absolute garbage middle layer-the operating system is what matters about propelling the potential of the hardware forward into a usable form.
Many people may not remember, but there were a few Lins distributions around at the time. Certainly, they would have been able to make better use of the hardware had enough developers worked on it.
This is going to sound weird but so is the internet their icon suggests a chain of bodies eating out the ass of the one in front of them which to me seems apt for the product
Within the billionaire bubble there was a lot of hype. Outside of that, not so much.
A new platform to colonize, gathering info on what people were looking at in the virtual world and selling that to advertising made their wallets go very erect.
I think the destinction between the chinese firm constructing the site and BYD itself is quite important here. I am absolutely not a fan of chinese car manufacturers but its just not the same as if BYD was operating the site right now and this news came to light
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