tja, avatar

Well yeah, they are pretending to be Republicans as much as they were pretending to be Democrats before.

They are billionaires. The only thing they care about is money. And maybe not getting shot.


The list of companies not sucking the gross orange ding dong is getting mighty small. I was not expecting Epic to be on that list.


That did surprise me as well. I might need to readjust my opinion of him.


Tencent owns epic and was just put on a list of Chinese military companies which is probably bad for him

bjoern_tantau, avatar

He should know.


that is not pretending.


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

SkavarSharraddas, (edited )

Also why they (Musk especially visibly amongst them) try to destabilize the EU - the possibly most effective consumer protection organization that messes with their bottom line.

edit: Just saw another example:


That post about /technology not being about technology.jpg


I'm not buying it.

They still ripped off consumers and crushed competitors even when Trump wasn't president and even when Republicans didn't have control of the Senate/House. Fucking bullshit of top-tier level.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Pretending? The upper class of capitalists have always favored the right. They'll allow the milquetoast Dems but lock out people like Bernie just to make it look like there's political choice.

dogsnest, avatar

Obvious is obvious.

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