Fuckin LLM bubble needs to burst already. I want some crazy compute cards to play with.
Also, who knew the only people who would pay 2400/yr for access would bebe the ones who plan to make hundreds of queries per day. What do like, people try to think about value for money before they buy stuff?! What are you all, NOT a filthy rich?!
I always found the build quality for Lenovo Thinkpads to be better than any of the top tier Dell laptops. Most of the laptops I had in circulation were Dells and the always gave me problems. The Thinkpads just worked.
Um, Elon Musk is a... brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. He is insuring the financial security of this company for years to come. Oh yes, and his personal hygiene is above reproach.
Also spend at least two hours with each of his kids each day. Of course that add up to 24+ hours a day but that just shows you how amazing he is. He still finds time to be CEO of two companies, be involved in five others, and now help run the US government. It is amazing what you can do if you have 60+ hours everyday.
That sounds awful. We already have trackpoint to use a mouse in a compact device.
The printer would add so much bulk that it would no longer be a compact laptop anymore. I know you personally want one (from your recent post), but just carry a separate device or velcro it to the back of the laptop.
Usual Microsoft, using shady tactics instead of creating a better product or just focusing on their own thing and respecting user choice. They should grow up sometime.
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